Program Overview
This program provides Indigenous culture-based programming and community services delivered to Indigenous men and youth. The program focuses on engagement, empowerment and overall well-being. KAN is committed to ending the violence against Indigenous women and girls, and ensures access to traditional knowledge and teachings. KAN focuses on increasing awareness and understanding of traditional roles and responsibilities: personal resilience, acknowledgement of and endeavouring to resolve one's own personal trauma, and encouraging personal and community well-being.
Program Purpose
To ensure men have access to Indigenous cultural values
To increase understanding and traditional roles and responsibilities based on local Indigenous knowledge
To support men in recognizing their responsibility to ensure women and children are safe and respected
To promote resiliency by empowering men's well-being and fostering community wellness
To reclaim and revitalize men's roles to end violence against indigenous women
Program Focus
Working from traditional knowledge approaches, holistic community care models and restorative justice approaches, the KAN program supports and educates men about their role in ending violence against Indigenous women. The KAN program was created with the values of the Seven Grandfather teachings at the core: Wisdom, Love, Respect, Bravery, Honesty Humility and Truth.