Program Goal
The Life Long Care Support Program provides community-based appropriate services to urban Indigenous elderly, physically disabled, or chronically ill individuals, which promotes an integrated response, community participation, independent living and an improved quality of life.
The Life Long Care Support Program will provide quality, cost-effective delivery of service to eligible clients so they may remain in the community and maintain a quality of life respecting their independence and dignity.
Program Objectives
To support Friendship Centres in delivering LLC community support services in compliance with MHLTC and OFIFC policies
To negotiate new program components, adequate levels of funding and new contracts to enhance the existing LLCP mandate to better address community needs
To conduct research activities to document the program model and support negotiations for ongoing programming
To identify gaps in services and resources, such as medical transportation and establish a program to address and enhance current LLCP services
To support the coordination of internal and external resources to strategically address and resolve outstanding issues with the Local Health Integration Networks. ((LHINs)
Services Provided
Friendly Visiting
Primarily conducted at a client's home, or long term care facility and in-office visits
Security Checks
A service that provides isolated individuals with regular contact to determine that the client is not in crisis. This service is done through a telephone call or by visiting a home.
Congregate Dinning
A support service which provides registered clients transportation to medical appointments, participation in social/cultural activities and other scheduled programs happening at the Dryden Native Friendship Centre.
Indigenous Support
A support service that provides clients with information and referral services, advocacy translations, medical assistance with filling out forms and applications, and accessing services from mainstream organizations.